Chavez y su gobierno es Antisemita

Febrero de 2012
La Red Latinoamericana y del Caribe para la Democracia (RedLad) alerta sobre el preocupante clima de discriminación e intolerancia por cuestiones religiosas, políticas y de diversidad sexual persistente en Venezuela.
El 13 de febrero, un día después de las primarias electorales de la oposición, apareció un artículo en la radio del gobierno RNV (Radio Nacional de Venezuela) en donde se discrimina al vencedor de las primarias, Henrique Capriles, debido a su ascendencia judía y su participación activa con la Iglesia Católica. El artículo titulado “El enemigo es el sionismo”, genera sentimientos antisemitas, deplora a la comunidad judía venezolana e incluso a grupos pastorales y eclesiales de la Iglesia Católica venezolana.
Este tipo de acciones acrecienta el odio religioso y es uno de los detonantes que ha causado que más de la mitad de la población judía venezolana haya tenido que abandonar el país. Gran cantidad de sinagogas han sido vandalizadas, se ha incrementado el discurso de odio religioso y satanizada la Confederación de Asociaciones Israelitas de Venezuela (CAIA). Nos preocupa que el clima electoral avive estos sentimientos anti-semitas y se incremente la persecución.
En Venezuela, se continúan utilizando los medios de comunicación del Estado para desacreditar cualquier expresión contraria al gobierno. Se persigue a la oposición con listas que restringen el acceso a servicios y fuentes de empleo. En el programa La Hojilla, transmitido por el canal gubernamental VTV (Venezolana de Televisión) se insulta, ridiculiza, ataca y persigue a estudiantes, académicos, religiosos, organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil y empresarios que no apoyen abiertamente al gobierno. En su programa del lunes 13 de febrero, el conductor de dicho programa nuevamente irrespetó a grupos de diversidad sexual con el objetivo de atacar a opositores.
En este tipo de medios continúan los ataques contra la Iglesia Católica, grupos de diversidad sexual, comunidades judías, defensores de Derechos Humanos y cualquier persona que sea considerada contraria o sea vista como opositor al gobierno.
La Red Latinoamericana y del Caribe para la Democracia (RedLad), plataforma de impulso a la democracia y los derechos humanos, integrada por más de 300 organizaciones de la Región. Miembro Oficial del Foro de Sociedad Civil de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA) y Capítulo Regional del Movimiento Mundial por la Democracia (WMD):
Urge a la comunidad internacional, grupos religiosos, organizaciones defensoras de la libertad de culto, de expresión, de conciencia y de diversidad sexual a exigir el fiel respeto de los derechos consagrados en el Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos, la legislación venezolana y el Pacto de San José.
Llama a la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, la Organización de Estados Americanos y gobiernos democráticos del mundo a manifestarse sobre el tema y exigir un respeto fiel de las libertades fundamentales concebidas como derechos adquiridos por el pueblo venezolano de manera que son ya inalienables.
Insta a grupos de presión, medios de comunicación, activistas y defensores de derechos humanos a deplorar las actuaciones mencionadas y solicitar el respeto de los derechos y libertades sin exclusión ni discriminación de ningún tipo.
Solicita sean investigados los hechos y se termine con la utilización de los medios de comunicación oficiales para el ataque a la disidencia.
Se solidariza con la comunidad judía venezolana, los grupos, misiones y congregaciones de la Iglesia Católica presentes en Venezuela y con la ciudadanía en general. La libertad de culto, expresión, reunión y prensa están siendo claramente violentados en el país.
Secretariado Permanente
Red Latinoamericana y del Caribe para la Democracia
San José, Costa Rica
Alert of Latin American and Caribbean Network for Democracy: religious persecution in Venezuela
*Unofficial translation done only for the purpose of being understood.
February 2012.
The Latin American and Caribbean Network for Democracy (RedLad) disturbing warns about the climate of discrimination and intolerance for religious, political and sexual diversity persistent in Venezuela.
On 13 February, one day after the primary election of the opposition, an article appeared in the RNV government radio (Radio Nacional de Venezuela) where discriminate the winner of the primaries, Henrique Capriles, because he has Jewish ancestry and an active involvement with the Catholic Church. The article entitled "The enemy is Zionism", generates anti-Semitic feelings, deplores to the Venezuelan Jewish community and even to the pastoral groups and church of the Catholic Church in Venezuela.
This type of action increases the religious hatred and is one of the triggers that caused more than half of Venezuela's Jewish population had to leave the country. Large number of synagogues have been vandalized, has increased religious hate speech and demonized the Confederation of Jewish Associations of Venezuela (CAIA). We are concerned that the electoral climate continue fueling anti-Semitic feelings and increased persecution.
In Venezuela, continue to use the state media to discredit any expression contrary to the government. It persecutes the opposition with lists that restrict access to services and employment opportunities. In the program's Hojilla, aired on government VTV (Venezuelan TV), students, scholars, religious, civil society organizations and employers who do not openly support the government are being insulted, ridiculed, attacked and pursued. In this program on Monday, February 13, the driver of the program again disrespected sexually diverse groups in order to attack the opposition.
In this type of medias continue attacks against the Catholic Church, sexual diversity groups, Jewish communities, human rights defenders and any person who is considered contrary or be saw as opposing to the government.
The Latin American and Caribbean Network for Democracy (RedLad), a platform for advancing democracy and human rights, integrate over 300 organizations in the region. Official Member of the Civil Society Forum of the Organization of American States (OAS) and Regional Chapter of the World Movement for Democracy (WMD):
Urges the international community, religious groups, advocates for freedom of religion, expression, conscience and sexual diversity to require the faithful observance of the rights enshrined in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Venezuelan legislation the Pact of San José.
Calls the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, the Organization of American States and the world's democratic governments to speak on the subject and demand a true respect for fundamental freedoms conceived as rights acquired by the Venezuelan people and so they are inalienable.
Urges pressure groups, media, activists and human rights advocates to deplore the actions mentioned and ask respect for the rights and freedoms without exclusion or discrimination of any kind.
Call to investigated the facts and end to the use of official media for attack to the opposition.
Has solidarity with the Venezuelan Jewish community, groups, missions and congregations of the Catholic Church present in Venezuela. Freedom of religion, speech, assembly and press are clearly being violated in the country.
Permanent Secretariat
Latin American and Caribbean Network for Democracy
Red Latinoamericana y del Caribe para la Democracia
San José, Costa Rica

*Unofficial translation done only for the purpose of being understood.
February 2012.
The Latin American and Caribbean Network for Democracy (RedLad) disturbing warns about the climate of discrimination and intolerance for religious, political and sexual diversity persistent in Venezuela.
On 13 February, one day after the primary election of the opposition, an article appeared in the RNV government radio (Radio Nacional de Venezuela) where discriminate the winner of the primaries, Henrique Capriles, because he has Jewish ancestry and an active involvement with the Catholic Church. The article entitled "The enemy is Zionism", generates anti-Semitic feelings, deplores to the Venezuelan Jewish community and even to the pastoral groups and church of the Catholic Church in Venezuela.
This type of action increases the religious hatred and is one of the triggers that caused more than half of Venezuela's Jewish population had to leave the country. Large number of synagogues have been vandalized, has increased religious hate speech and demonized the Confederation of Jewish Associations of Venezuela (CAIA). We are concerned that the electoral climate continue fueling anti-Semitic feelings and increased persecution.
In Venezuela, continue to use the state media to discredit any expression contrary to the government. It persecutes the opposition with lists that restrict access to services and employment opportunities. In the program's Hojilla, aired on government VTV (Venezuelan TV), students, scholars, religious, civil society organizations and employers who do not openly support the government are being insulted, ridiculed, attacked and pursued. In this program on Monday, February 13, the driver of the program again disrespected sexually diverse groups in order to attack the opposition.
In this type of medias continue attacks against the Catholic Church, sexual diversity groups, Jewish communities, human rights defenders and any person who is considered contrary or be saw as opposing to the government.
The Latin American and Caribbean Network for Democracy (RedLad), a platform for advancing democracy and human rights, integrate over 300 organizations in the region. Official Member of the Civil Society Forum of the Organization of American States (OAS) and Regional Chapter of the World Movement for Democracy (WMD):
Urges the international community, religious groups, advocates for freedom of religion, expression, conscience and sexual diversity to require the faithful observance of the rights enshrined in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Venezuelan legislation the Pact of San José.
Calls the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, the Organization of American States and the world's democratic governments to speak on the subject and demand a true respect for fundamental freedoms conceived as rights acquired by the Venezuelan people and so they are inalienable.
Urges pressure groups, media, activists and human rights advocates to deplore the actions mentioned and ask respect for the rights and freedoms without exclusion or discrimination of any kind.
Call to investigated the facts and end to the use of official media for attack to the opposition.
Has solidarity with the Venezuelan Jewish community, groups, missions and congregations of the Catholic Church present in Venezuela. Freedom of religion, speech, assembly and press are clearly being violated in the country.
Permanent Secretariat
Latin American and Caribbean Network for Democracy
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